Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Los tres cerdos / The Three Pigs: Nacho, Tito y Miguel

Los tres cerdos / The Three Pigs: Nacho, Tito y Miguel

Written and illustrated by: Bobbi Salinas

"This book offers a spicy retelling of the familiar tale of the three little pigs. In this version, they are named Nacho, Tito, and Miguel. They eat fresh tortillas and roast corn. They cook green chile stew (recipe included) and prefer to dress in zoot suits, cowboy hats, and guayaberas (a traditional men's shirt). The landscape they inhabit is definitely Southwestern, as are their speech patterns. Violence has been toned down from the original folk tale. Although the wolf still dreams of eating the pigs ("Chicharrones and carnitas sound good!") the most violent scene shows the wolf getting bowled over by a runaway barrel. The excellent illustrations are entertaining, intelligent, and witty, offering lots of visual jokes and cross-cultural references to the likes of Elvis Presley, Frida Kahlo, and Cesar Chavez. This book is meant to be read out loud. Aside from the recipe for green chile stew, it also offers costume ideas for classroom plays, a glossary, and biographical notes about the author."

Publishers Weekly Review

Online Resources:,+Bobbi

1 comment:

  1. hey, do you have any e-mail? I'd like to ask you a question.
