Monday, December 20, 2010



Written by: Laurie Halse Anderson

Junior High and High School Grades

Award-winning author Laurie Halse Anderson have delivered an equally thrilling novel to follow up her National Book Award Finalist book Chains with Forge. Readers can pick up right where Curzon and Isabel left off at the end of Chains as they escaped from Revolutionary New York City in the middle of the night. After their escape, Curzon and Isabel take different paths with Curzon becoming a soldier at Valley Forge. He later meets up with Isabel after his master has captured him forcing him to leave the army to become a servant again. This novel details the treacherous living conditions soldiers at Valley Forge faced during that harsh winter. Halse-Anderson also discusses how many black soldiers fought in the Revolution with the hopes of gaining their freedom when the war was over. Curzon is a well-developed character that students will be able to relate, especially those who are interested in black soldiers serving in the war. Female students will connect with Isabel and the determination she possess in spite of the struggles she faces being torn from her family. This book will have a follow-up story as well which readers (including myself) will be eagerly waiting for!"

Jennie's Review

Online Resources:

*Readers guide at bottom of the page*

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